Commerce Lesson Plan for B.Ed in english and Hindi

Commerce Lesson Plan for B.Ed in english and Hindi

Hello, If you are a regular student of B.Ed and you are doing internship in your nearest government school. And you want to create a lesson plan for commerce. Then you are in the right place. So here you will find B.Ed lesson plans for commerce written by our authors.

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Commerce education is business education. Commerce education is that area of education which develops the required knowledge, skills and attitudes for the handling of Trade, Commerce and Industry. The recent commerce education has emerged in the form of Chartered Accountant, Cost and works accountant, Company secretary and Business administrator.

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What is Commerce lesson plan. Defination,Format and Need of Lesson plan

Lesson planning is an effective method of teaching-learning.

Commerce Lesson planning is an important part of teaching. Using this, children can be taught in a better way. 

It also helps a teacher to teach Commerce, and they are able to teach the students in the best possible way. Now we will see what is Commerce lesson plan, why Commerce  plan is needed and what is Commerce lesson plan outline and what can be the format of  Commerce lesson plan.

Structure of B.Ed Commerce Lesson Plan (Lesson Plan Outline)

To teach a Commerce lesson in the class, the teacher divides the lesson of a related topic or sub-topic into several smaller units

Lesson planning is a good method of teaching-learning. 

Through this, effective education is given to the children in stipulated time. 

Lesson plans are prepared by the teacher or student-teacher before teaching in the class. A framework has been prepared for this. 

Here is an outline of the lesson plan.

General Information

  1. It should include the title of the lesson to be taught, class, passage, duration, subject, subject, date, etc.
  2.  The name of the school in which teaching is to be conducted should also be mentioned.

General Objectives of Commerce Teaching

  1. To make students understand about transportation, infor­mation and broadcasting and to understand as to how do they benefit individuals, the society and the nation.
  2. To develop students capacity to appreciate the services rendered national and international trade and commerce.
  3. To develop students knowledge doubts various business prac­tices and procedurals. 
  4. To make the students aware of the development system of the country.
  5. To provide the students with such experiences that enables them in understanding the economic relations of the world and become intelligent participant in community and na­tional affairs.
  6. To develop reasoning, thinking and decision ability in the students.
  7. To enable students to undertake various banking activi­ties.
  8. To develop scientific attitude among the students.

Specific Aim

  1. While preparing a lesson plan, in teaching the lesson, the purpose for which you are teaching the lesson is written in it. 
  2. Specific objectives are similar to general objectives but specific objectives are related to the topic. That is, the topic on which you are teaching in the class. The specific abilities that will arise in the students related to that topic are the specific objectives.

Teaching Aids

What kind of teaching material is required in teaching the commerce lesson, such as white board, blackboard, chart, model etc. should be mentioned. 

Previous knowledge

In this, the lesson is proposed on the basis of the knowledge the child already has related to the topic, the lesson starts on the basis of prior knowledge.

Introductory Questions

  1. Based on the prior knowledge, the teacher proposes the lesson through questions or charts. 
  2. The last question in the introduction is problematic.

Announcement of the topic -

 teacher announce the name of topic.



  1. In this part of the lesson plan new knowledge is presented to the children. That is, the teacher/student-teacher presents the lesson to be taught in this section.
  2. It can be divided into four parts as teaching point, teacher activity, student activity and blackboard task.
  3. This includes checking comprehension questions in the middle of the presentation and finally activities related to repetition, evaluation and homework.

Blackboard work

  1. Teacher or student-teacher writes some important things on the blackboard, or draws pictures in the middle of the presentation. 
  2. Students also note down in their notebooks. It's called the Blackboard Activity. Students remain active with blackboard work.

Comprehension question

  1.  In the middle of the presentation two or three questions are asked, comprehension questions are asked to test the knowledge from the lesson being taught to the children. 
  2. These are very short answer type questions.


  1. The teacher asks the children questions from the lesson taught by the teacher.
  2. It also shows the memory power of the children.
  3. It also shows how much of the latest knowledge the children have learned. This is called evaluation. Three to five questions can be asked in this. Of the three questions, two questions can be very short answers and one question can be short answers.

Home work

At the end of the lesson, the child should be given some work related to the lesson for home, this should be checked the next day, so that the students learn to apply the acquired knowledge.

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Commerce Lesson plan in Hindi 

Lesson plan noTopic Name
3बचत खाता 
4बाजार का वर्गीकरण
6जर्नल (रोजनामचा)
8थोक एवं फुटकर व्यापारी
10खातों के प्रकार
11भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक 
13अंतिम खाता 
16तलपट(Trial balance)
17आंतरिक व्यापार 
18होम लोन 
19बैंक समाधान विवरण 

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