Hello, If you are a regular student of B.Ed and you are doing internship in your nearest government school. And you want to create a B.ed lesson plan in hindi/B.ed lesson plan in english for your teaching subject, Then you are in the right place. So here you will find B.Ed lesson plans for all Subject written by our authors.
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What is B.Ed lesson plan?
B.Ed Lesson Plan Structure: How to Create Effective Lessons
Lesson planning is an important part of teaching. This can assist in enhancing the method of teaching children.
This also helps the teacher in teaching and they are able to teach the students in the best possible way.
To teach a lesson effectively, teachers break it down into smaller parts. This helps students learn better within a specific time frame. Let's explore the important sections of a B.Ed lesson plan.
A lesson plan is a prepared outline that focuses on the subject matter or topic of a specific unit. It plays a crucial role in guiding the teaching and learning process.
B.Ed Lesson Plan Outline
In school, teachers usually make lesson plans to help them teach better.
It's a great way to make sure students learn effectively in a specific amount of time.
Teachers or student-teachers prepare these plans before teaching a class, following a framework to organize the lessons.
Here is an outline of the lesson plan.
General Information
- It should include the title of the lesson, class, passage, duration, subject, date, and other relevant information.
- Mention the name of the school where the teaching will take place in English language..
General Purpose/Aim
We decide on the main goal by thinking about what we want to achieve in different subjects.
General aims may vary for each subject
Specific Aim
- When you're creating a lesson plan, it's important to make sure that the purpose of the lesson.
- Specific objectives are similar to general objectives but specific objectives are related to the topic. That is, the topic on which you are teaching in the class. The specific abilities that will arise in the students related to that topic are the specific objectives.
Teaching Aids
Specify the teaching materials required for effective lesson delivery, such as whiteboards, blackboards, charts, models, or any other relevant resources.
Previous knowledge
We plan the lesson by considering what the child already knows about the topic. The lesson begins by building upon the things they already understand.
Intro-ductory Questions
- Based on the prior knowledge, the teacher proposes the lesson through questions or charts.
- The last question in the introduction is problematic.
Announcement of the topic -
teacher announce the name of topic.
- In this part of the lesson plan, the teacher or student-teacher introduces new information to the children.
- In this part of the lesson, we can break it down into four sections
- This includes checking comprehension questions in the middle of the presentation and finally activities related to repetition, evaluation and homework.
Blackboard work
- Teacher or student-teacher writes some important things on the blackboard, or draws pictures in the middle of the presentation.
- Students also note down in their notebooks. This is a blackboard activity.. Students remain active with blackboard work.
Comprehension question
- In the middle of the presentation, teacher asked two or three questions,
- comprehension questions are asking to test the knowledge.
- These are very short answer type questions.
- The teacher asks the children questions from the lesson taught by the teacher.
- It also shows the memory power of the children.
- It also shows how much of the latest knowledge the children have learned. Three to five questions can be ask by teacher. Of the three questions, two questions can be very short answers and one question can be short answers.
Home work
At the end of the lesson, given some homework, related to the lesson. Check homework the next day to see how much the student learned.
You will be able to make lesson plans for B.Ed.(alert-success)
We have all Subjects B.Ed lesson plans in hindi and B.Ed lesson plans in english.
By clicking on the subject wise link given below, you can download the B.Ed lesson plan for that teaching subject.
B.Ed Lesson Plan in Hindi/English Subject-wise Pdf Download Link!
I hope you have got your B.Ed lesson plan in hindi/English.(alert-success)
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
Here are some frequently asked questions by B.Ed students regarding B.Ed lesson plan PDF of all subjects:
Q1: Where can I find B.Ed lesson plan PDFs for all subjects?
A1: You can find B.Ed lesson plan PDFs for all subjects on www.90lessonplan.in, we offers a wide range of lesson plans for different subjects.
Q2: How can B.Ed lesson plan PDFs help me in my teaching practice?
A2: B.Ed lesson plan PDFs can serve as valuable resources for lesson planning. We provide structured frameworks, ideas, and activities that can guide your teaching process, ensuring a comprehensive and well-organized lesson.
Q3: How can I search for specific B.Ed lesson plan PDF on 90lessonplan.in?
A3: To search for specific B.Ed lesson plan PDFs on 90lessonplan.in, you can click on subject-wise categories on main menu. also on this page.
Q4: Can I customize the B.Ed lesson plan PDFs downloaded from 90lessonplan.in?
A4: When you download B.Ed lesson plan PDFs, you can make changes to them to fit your needs and teaching style. This can be helpful for your students.
But remember, it's important to follow any rules about copyrights or how the creators want you to use their pdf.